Inner City Rejuvenation

Our leaders have done little for the deplorable conditions of our inner cities where fear, violence and poverty is rampant. The Band-Aid approach has been food stamps, and handouts has not helped. In fact one can argue that the Great Society approach has created dependency, an entitlement attitude and removed dignity from the community. Time to try a new approach! Let’s focus on cultivating real change by providing security, education including vocational training, and opportunity. We must work with the community to give an alternative to poverty and violence.

Parenting and early childhood educational programs should be provided so kids get off to a good start. Early development sets the stage for the rest of our lives. High school students should have access to vocational programs including mentorship programs so high school students can work part time as an apprentice with a contractor, plumber (they make bank $$$) or even a doctor (do not make so much). This program will give students on the job training with a mentor while in high school. The Home Boys Industries developed by Father Greg is a great model of how to improve the inner city gang problem by providing vocational education, counseling and spiritual support. Security for the citizens is also important so kids are not forced to join gangs. Yes this will take effort but so much better to provide a hand up, not just a hand out.